1 | Ryle’s Tube
| Suitable for nasogastric insertion for nutritional purposes or aspiration of intestinal secretion.
2 | Stomach Tube
| Atraumatic, soft rounded, closed tip with four lateral eyes for efficient aspiration & administration.
3 | Levin’s Tube
| Suitable for gastro intestinal feeding & aspiration.
4 | Infant Feeding Tube
| Atraumatic, soft rounded, closed tip with two lateral eyes for efficient aspiration & administration. For neonatal and peadiatric nutritional feeding.
5 | Yankauer Suction Set
| Yankaur Suction Set is suitable for convenient removal of secretion, blood and debris etc per operatively.
6 | Umbilical Catheter
| Designed for intermittent or continuous access to the umbilical artery or vein of newly born or premature infants.
7 | Colostomy Kit
| The colostomy kit gives perfect relief and comfort during prolonged use.